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Time To Remember - Operation Barbarossa 1941 - Reel 4 (1941)


01:21:21 VS of Winston Churchill arriving to sign Atlantic Charter with American President Franklin D Roosevelt.

01:21:42 VS of American troops landing in Iceland. Aerial views of massive convoy of ships. Shots in harbour - crates marked up for Russia. VS of Soviet tank factory.

01:22:19 Germans and Russians fighting in the snows of Winter. German tanks clogged down with ice. German plane lands on snow covered airfield - troops off loaded. VS of frozen German planes. More fighting in freezing weather.

01:23:37 VS of Japanese attack on American navy in Pearl Harbour. Planes fly in and attack American ships. (Some of this is faked footage). Voiceover is Roosevelt's 'Day that will live in infamy'. VS of damaged ships and planes. Shot of Roosevelt calling on Congress to declare War.

01:25:32 VS British and Commonwealth troops fighting against Japanese forces in the Far East. MS of Roosevelt speaking to Congress - 'We will gain the inevitable triumph'.

01:26:19 German artillery firing in the snows of Russia during Operation Barbarossa. VS of German troop surrendering and German Prisoners of War (POWs). Abandoned German guns and corpses of dead German soldiers frozen on the ground.

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