Kamikaze Suicide Bomber (1945)

General view of the Pacific Fleet at sea. American planes landing on an aircraft carrier - some crash land. Antiaircraft tracer shells firing up at a Japanese planes. Japanese plane crashing into sea and bursting into flame. Naval antiaircraft guns firing.

Intertitle: "INSIDE JAPAN - KAMIKAZE" Huge Japanese crowds. Japanese Emperor Hirohito. Good close shots of Japanese children. Japanese pilots on parade. Japanese woman praying on her knees. Close up shot of Geisha girls drinking from cups. Close up shot of Japanese newspaper with kamikaze as national heroes. Various shots of the pilots, some good close up shots, crying 'Banzai' while being sworn in.

Sequence of diagrams explaining on what principles suicide bombers operate - small planes with no parachutes, pilots are locked up in cockpit and without landing gear. Plane is filled with explosive and detonates at contact with other object.

Japanese suicide plane - the Baka Bomb. Closer shot of Japanese planes in flight. Japanese planes diving to attack the Pacific Fleet. Various shots of the kamikaze in action.

An Essex class aircraft carrier is hit, scenes onboard show huge flames and the fire fighters. "Bunker Hill", famous American aircraft carrier ablaze after being hit by Japanese kamikaze planes. Scenes onboard. American plane bursts into flame during landing on carrier, pilot is seen scrambling away. Another burns itself out, pilot is later taken from cockpit still alive. The burial of American sailors killed during the battle at sea.

The Pacific fleet at sea with a very good sunset.

(Mute & Track Negs.) FILM ID:1159.01

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