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The Great Russian Offensive - Latest From The Stalingrad Front (1943)


Stalingrad, Soviet Union (USSR).

MS Group of marine officers talking over a map. Various shots of marines climbing aboard landing craft on the Volga near Stalingrad. Various shots of marines landing on shore further along the Volga for a rear attack on the enemy.

They use smoke screen for protection and gun fire from small flotilla. Various shots of Russian tanks and light artillery in action north-west of Stalingrad. Various shots of tank crews in crash action boarding their tanks and going into battle.

They advance through shells bursts, infantry follows up behind. Various shots of the Russian planes in action. Several air shot of the territory as the bombs land. More shots of the planes bombing German positions.

More shots of the tanks, antiaircraft guns and field guns in action. Burning wreckage of German plane on field. Close up shot of map of Russia pointing out Stalingrad. Various shots of Russian soldiers fighting in and around Stalingrad, they move from house to house to avoid German bullets.

MS. German prisoners being taken. Various shots of Russian sniper in action - he shoots a couple of Germans. More shots of fighting around the buildings.

(Mute & Track Negs.) FILM ID:1071.06

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